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About the Program

About Us

The Self-Employment Learning Lab (SELL) is structured to help you maximize the resources available to you as you embark on the journey of starting your own business. The program is broken down into five phases to progress to help you progress at a rate that works for you.



The Five Phases

1. Intake Phase


Prospective entrepreneurs fill out the initial contact form at the bottom of this page. A member of SELL will review the application as soon as possible and contact you via email.


2. Preparation Phase


A SELL member will help connect you with a vocational rehabilitation (VR) counselor. They can provide assistance with funding and other services. We will also provide you with a mentor and enroll you in the next available business planning course.

3. Startup Phase


In the business planning course an entrepreneur develops their Minimally Viable Product (MVP) and completes an initial one page business plan. The entrepreneur meets with their VR counselor to show progress and begin the process to request funds.

Example of Entreprenur's MVP

4. Refinement Phase


Entrepreneurs continue through the course to refine their business idea. At this milestone the entrepreneur will begin to receive consulting services from a member of the business plan review committee. A completed and approved business plan marks the end of this phase.  

5. Execution Phase


Entrepreneurs are able to utilize the dedicated space within our facility to operate their business. They can also have a business page listed on our website and receive additional wrap-around services. We also work to connect entrepreneurs with community organizations that assist with other aspects related to running a business.


One in seven persons with a disability will pursue entrepreneurship in their lifetime.

We are here for them.

About Us

The Self-Employment Learning Lab (SELL) is a program offered by the Artfully Gifted Foundation to support entrepreneurs with disabilities. The program provides the following services:


  • Business plan writing services

  • Ongoing mentorship

  • Micro-funding

  • Office space

  • Marketing support and online presence


...and more

"Believe that you can do it or believe that it can be done."
- Jerwayne Balentine, Entrepreneur, J-Epic Productions

Overview of the SELL Program


Complete an application with the help of a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor. If you don't have one, we will help you find one while you work with us.


Work with a business mentor to complete a business plan writing course and draft your initial business plan.


When approved, you'll receive funding, support, and resources to complete a "Proof of Concept" for your idea.


With your proof of concept complete, you'll submit a final business plan for approval.


Once approved, you will receive ongoing mentorship and other wrap-around services to help your business succeed.

Statistics About the Program

Our foundation has supported entrepreneurs throughout each phase of the business launching process. Below are some of our key statistics. 


Entrepreneurs have enrolled in our programs


Total business plans have been completed and reviewed


Entrepreneurs have been funded through the program

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